viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2007

I am currently in a philosophy class that has a focus on ethics. Although the following does not have to do with ethics, it is the result of my logic trail when considering the origins and future of creative thought and invention. My idea is that anything that can be imagined by a human in thought is POSSIBLE. Whether it be that you imagine yourself being the richest person in the world or that you can move objects with your mind. Now I am not saying that these things are going to happen or by some function of your thought they become more likely to occur, but I am simply saying that anything that can be imagined has the ability to become a reality. Ask yourself this question now: think of something that no one has ever thought of before or you yourself have never thought of. Although you maybe could create something new in your mind, you do not have the ability to imagine something that you haven't thought before, unless it is an expansion of something else that you've already learned or a theoretical reality that comes from someone elses previous thought. What I am ultimately getting at is that there is a boundary to the things that are possible to imagine which is the same boundary for people to be able to do those things.

I want to provide two ideas that I believe will help in someone understanding my idea. Try right now to think of what another color looks like. It is not possible. You can imagine different shades of already existing colors, that we know by a name and associate those colors with certain objects (such as green with grass and yellow with bananas) but we can not create a new color by our imagination. For this idea, there is a spectrum of color that serves as the scientific basis for the boundary of the limit of color for our imagination.

Now imagine the craziest most unbelievable thing you can think of. That thing by my reasoning has the POSSIBILITY to be real, but things that you can't imagine (which obviously I can't make a list of these things because NO ONE, including MYSELF can actually imagine them, so they can never exists) These things can't exist both because we do not have the mental faculty to put them into real form and they are not possible because we can not form a mental picture or framework of what the idea or concept entails. A person from this rational could say that ANYTHING is possible, but that is not exactly true and is true at the same time. It is not true because there are things we can't think of which would make them impossible but it is true because we are unconcious of those things that we can't imagine, so everything that we can imagine is all that is real for us and therefore possible.

Posted by Regado por Anónimo sobre las 10:03
Categories: Etiquetas: , ,


2 Coméntalo:

Disguised dijo...

Interesting point of view... But, we can not forget the difference between "possible" and "likely".

It's sad that some possible things will never cross the line which separates imagination and real life.

Anónimo dijo...

imagine there's no heaven...above us, only sky.
it's fucking easy if you try
john would have said that